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0. Top Pick:-a) ASUS VivoBook Flip 14 TM420IA-EC096TS4 of the latest 7nm cores plus expandable RAM in a compact, 2-1/convertible form-factor.
b) MSI Modern 14 B4MW-074IN | B4MW-238IN
6-core ultrabook-class laptop with a large SSD and expandable RAM, this one has it all. The ASUS VivoBook Ultra 15 is a full-sized alternative.

  1. Mi Notebook 14 XMA1901-DG
    Compact, lightweight metal build. Note: Non-expandable RAM
  2. Lenovo Ideapad Gaming L340 81LK017UIN | Acer Aspire 5 A515-45 (5500U+upgradable RAM)
    Full-size Keyboard/display and a strong dedicated GPU. SSD upgrade recommended.
  3. Lenovo Thinkpad E14 20T6S0UQ00 | ThinkPad E495 (Ryzen quad-core)
    Thinkpads are the answer to most laptop questions. This is a reliable workhorse that’s relatively compact and is the best balance between the previous two picks. 6-core Ryzen 4000 laptops are rarely seen at this price, let alone in a Thinkpad. The 20RAS0XB00 is a quad-core Intel variant and the 20RDS18B0020TDS0A000 (11th. gen) = 15-inch, full keyboard(numpad), 20TDS0A300 = variant with discrete MX350 graphics.
    Here’s a warranty extension pack that can take the warranty to a total of 3 years.


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